Sunday, September 21, 2008

A First...

So in Eli's short life almost 21 months, he's only ever had family member's babysit him. Now that doesn't include Kim... who is practically family since these days she sees Eli more than Nico and I do.

In other words, we've never had a kid babysit Eli. Well... Saturday was a first. Nico had an out of town wedding and I was invited to a Birthday party for the girlfriend of one of the football coaches. It was only for 2 hours and he was going to be sleeping the whole time. So we figured, why not just have a kid come sit at our house and watch TV and be here just in case.

Friday night I asked Kacie if she'd do it. I had her in class (she's a freshman now) and she played volleyball for me. She lives just like 2 streets away... it worked out perfect.

She laughed, but I told her I had to take her picture and it would be on the blog because this was a monumental event in Eli's life (even if he slept right through it, which he did)

Thanks Kacie for letting me be a crazy mom!! Next time, we'll see if we can't have him still be awake!! :)


I'm disappointed in myself for my LACK of Homecoming pictures, so I'm just apologizing now. The football is always brought in by skydivers and this year was no exception. I wish I would have taken a picture of Eli's face when he was watching, he was in sheer amazement. It was awesome. Unfortunately, the game was not so great. But here's a fun picture of Eli, Cora and Keenan.

Near the end of the game, not too many people were left (tells you about the game too :( So no one was around to snap our picture. So here's Eli and my self portrait.

Eli made it the whole game, thanks to some popcorn and a balloon by the queen candidates. So he got a chance to see his daddy.

Better luck next week vs Bellmont!! :)

Jessica's Wedding

Jessica is a family friend of the Tigulis'. They grew up next door to each other and was like the little sister the boys never had. She got married the beginning of September in Indy (she lives in Colorado now) so we made the trek down for the big day. Here's the beautiful bride.

It was at the Indiana Historical Society, so I was in Heaven... I think I tried every door possible, but they were all locked. :( It was an elegant affair which was a bit tricky with a 20 month old, but we made it work. Here's Eli with Baba and Dedo.

A little family shot... yes I did plan our outfits :) Silly I know, but I only do it for special events :)

My 2 boys walking down the stairs...

The LOVES of my life... don't you just love that picture... just ignore the milk dripping down Eli's chin :) :)

Aunt Sahsha's Birthday

Sahsha's Birthday was Sept 11th, but because of busy schedules we didn't celebrate it until the 12th. We went to O'Charlies (where kids eat free... score :) for dinner then back to our house for some cake and ice cream!!
Eli was STARVING, so needless to say he wasn't the most pleasant child... put it to you this way both is uncles were thinking about not having children after his tirade :) Once he got some food in him though, he was great. He loved his Mac and Cheese.... can you tell???

Aunt Sahsha got lots of gift cards to go shopping with and the "mandatory" present from Eli. Eli had to help her open the present from him.

We had her favorite yellow cake and chocolate icing and I even bought fresh ice cream so the Tigulis' boys wouldn't holler about freezer burn ice cream. :) :) Eli was in heaven, he just went from aunt to uncle to mommy to dedo for cake and ice cream. He probably had total 2 pieces of cake and a whole bowl of ice cream... but it was a special day, Aunt Sahsha's Birthday!!