Today was Fall Break for both Nico and I. It was Nico's first day of 2 weeks being off to be Mr. Mom and it was my last day home with the boys, as I go back to work tomorrow.
It was a BEAUTIFUL day... we couldn't ask for a better one!! :)
I wanted to go to the Apple Orchard on Friday, but the weather was yucky, but this worked out even better, so dad could come too!! 
We went out looking for apples... Eli says this direction.

Eli loved picking his own apples

Here he's asking Mommy if it's a good one?

But he like being on dad's shoulder too, to reach the high ones. 

All the while, Zeb just hung out in the front pack, taking it all in. 
It was a fun day for all of us... but a GREAT beginning of Daddy's Mr. Mom's experience!