Saturday, February 9, 2008

Speller, I'm NOT...

Well the good news is that the blogger's got the picture import fixed, so I was able to update the blog. The bad news is the spellcheck isn't fixed. So this is my disclaimer... I'm sure in the last 5 or 6 postings, there are spelling mistakes, I'M SORRY!!
I'm a horrible speller (ask my mom, she HATED studying for spelling tests with me). I think that next to e-mail, spell check is one of the GREATEST inventions of all time.

So if you see any spelling errors, either just ignore it :) or leave a comment and I'll fix it. Thanks for reading through my slug of spelling errors!!

Super Bowl

As if we didn't have enough parties last weekend, the SuperBowl was Sunday of that weekend and we had a few people over for that... family and the Huncshe's. We love it when we can get together with them when the kiddos are awake... we love to see them interact with each other. It's funny, they don't play together, but around each other.

Eventually it was their bed time, so it was just us watching the game. It was a GREAT GAME... we were all rooting for the Giants!!

People ask us often if we named our Eli after Eli Manning and before the Super Bowl my response was always, "If he was as good as Peyton, we might have thought about it. " But after his play in the 4th quarter, when he escaped the sack and threw that ball down field where the reciever caught it off his helment we are rethinking telling people we didn't name him after Eli :) :) Just kidding :) :) After that play, Nico, Huncshe, and I were all standing up screaming. Denise and Aunt Amanda had to remind us of the babies upstairs sleeping... luckily they are good sleepers!! :)

That day, Nico, Eli, and I all wore green... I didn't plan it but Nico LOVED IT!! If it was up to him, the 3 of us would match as much as possible... luckily it's not!! ::) :) But of course, I had to get a picture. It was right before bed time, so it's not the greatest, but it will do!!

Birthday Reflection...

As I blog about my birthday, I've decided that this birthday was one of the BEST EVER...who would have thought 31 would have been so GREAT!!
The whole day was just a mix of all of my favorite things. Eli let us sleep in a bit and we all know how I LOVE to sleep in. Then we had a fun breakfast together and a good hour and a half of Eli, Mommy and Daddy play time. Nothing but good quality play time TOGETHER. Then while Eli was napping, I got to relax and read a book. While I was reading, 2 wonderful friends called to wish me Happy Birthday. That afternoon, I spend some very fun girl time with Andrea and we got a pedicure together. We then met the boys and went to dinner and had some GOOD EATS!! Our time with our extended family back at our house was WONDERFUL!! I'm sure any on-looker couldn't tell where the Hendricks' family ended and the Tigulis' family started.
As everyone was leaving, Nico and I were watching out the window and talking about how blessed we are to have such a GREAT family. Both sides get along so well and really enjoy spending time with each other (especially Cora with Andy and Andrea :) I know many families where that doesn't happen at all. God has SO BLESSED Nico and I with a beautiful family. WE LOVE YOU ALL!!
As I look back I realize I had ALL OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE THINGS ALL WRAPPED UP IN ONE DAY... how lucky am I!!!

Mommy's Birthday Party II

We went out to dinner Saturday night (my actual birthday) to my favorite spot... Outback. :) After dinner we came back to our house for some quality time together as a family. We hung out, ate birthday cake (cherry chip :) and did LOTS of laughing. It was a GREAT BIRTHDAY!!

Mommy's Birthday Party I

Early last week, Nico told me not to plan anything for Friday night, he had a birthday suprise for me. WOW!!!!! I'm was pretty excited about this... the last time my husband suprised me was when he proposed to me!! :)
So Friday night, we all got ready and bundled in the car. We ended up at O'Charlies and much to my surprise my father-in-law, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law (Andy and Andrea) and the honorary Tigulis' family members, the Hunsche's were there. It was a WONDERFUL surprise!!

Nico said he had some help from Andrea, but hey, I'm just excited he helped!! :) Thanks Andrea!! :) :)

Then while we were there, the Duncan Family walked in for dinner. We spoke to them and then parted ways.... or so I thought. Soon their waiter came over to check my ID and said I had a gift coming from thier table. So I thought "How fun, a fun fruity drink" Nico warned me "Not so much" Needless to say, my fruity drink turned into a shot of Makers Mark. I took it like a trooper... or idiot, you decided, my wonderful sister-in-law thought it would be fun to take picture of me taking the shot. Thanks, Duncan Family!!

But even with the shot, it was a WONDERFUL birthday suprise!!

Snow Day Part II

There were just too many good pictures of us outside to not make another entry of our snow day.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Please be patient with the blogging!! I have TONS of great pictures and stories to go along with them, but for some reason is having trouble with it's spell checking (so sorry, if something is spelled wrong... I'm not a good speller) and its pictures uploader. So, for once, it's not me being behind, but it's the website. But I will give you a tease of what's to come:
Daddy & His New Apple
Snow Day
Mommy's Birthday Part I
Mommy's Birthday Part II
Super Bowl
Hopefully we'll be up and running soon!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Daddy's New Apple

So you learned in the All-Star Dj's Go To Indy blog, of Nico's difficult decision to move to Apple for the business computer. After thier trip to the Apple Store, they agreed to buy them. So Nico has been EAGERLY waiting its arrival. Last weekend, it arrived!! Since is was such a momentus day for Nico, I of course, had to take pictures. He's such a proud papa!! :)

One Year Photos

Over Christmas Break, I took Eli to Wal-Mart to have his 1 year photos done. Yes I'm a cheap mom... you know how many pictures we have of this kid... we are picture taking fools of him!! :) But I thought a "professional" one would be nice since we haven't had any since Bobbi... not that we CAN EVEN compare the Wal-Mart Lady to Bobbi. :)
She did a super job getting him to smile and they turned out GREAT and CHEAP!! I can't acutally post the pictures, but when I wrote this blog, I thought I could post the website so you can see them. So after I wrote the above, but before I posted it, I tried it to see what different poses you could see. Come to find out... you can't even see the pictures. But what did I expect for $6.99 .So I guess if you want to see the pictures, you've got to come to our house!! :)

Snow Day!!

Yesterday, the weatherman predicted 4-6 inches of snow over night and then another 3-5 during the day. So all day yesterday, there was major talk of no school. But in my 10 or so years of teaching, I've heard this a lot. And when I was younger, I fell for it and got really excited, then had my heart crushed too many times with faulty weather predictions. So I've learned not to get excited about upcoming weather.
But this time they were right!!! We got like 6 inches of snow so.... NO SCHOOL!!!

We got to spend a day home with Eli, which was such a blessing since this week has been crazy busy for me. I made pancakes and bacon for the boys for breakfast, we had some good play time with Eli before he headed off for a nap. During his nap, Nico and I watched a movie... very relaxing. Then after lunch, Eli and I headed out in the snow. The last time he was out "playing it in" was almost a year ago... very little playing, so I was SO excited about this year.

We bundled him up, which took like 15 minutes and by the time I was done, he was toasty and I was dripping with sweat!! Then we faced the snow.

He had SO MUCH FUN!! He pretty much just like to stand there and watch, but there were some occasional steps and of course some falls on his butt.

He didn't like having mittens on (no access to his thumb:( but eventually he learned they picked up snow pretty well, so he did that for a while. He tried to taste the snow and realized just how cold it was on his gums... it was hilarious!!

All in all it was a GREAT 1st play date in the snow!!